The 21st century has given rise to new modalities which incorporate writing. Faculty and students are integrating more media than ever before into their classrooms calling on student and writing skills in new formats such as blogs, storyboards, graphic novels as well as social media. The innovative integration of technology and media helps connect student writing inside and outside the classroom.
The Hostos Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Initiative convened a workshop for Hostos faculty on Writing in the Digital Age on April 16, 2018. Faculty shared modalities and assignments they use to make writing more engaging for students. Here are two presentations by Hostos Assistant Professors Heidi Bollinger and Mary Manning.
“Using Storyboarding to Organize a Graphic Narrative” (Heidi Bollinger)
Professor Bollinger presented a final project from her Graphic Novel course English 240. In this presentation, she outlines (and illustrates) the process of preparing students to write and illustrate their own graphic novel. This assignment uses a creative medium to practice key writing skills. Presentation here
“Writing in the Digital Age: Reflective Journal” (Mary Manning)
Professor Manning presented the use of reflective student essays. Dental Hygiene students use weekly journals to help engage and reflect on clinical situations. This is a useful skill after graduating from Hostos. Presentation here