For Instructors
I’m not an English teacher! Will I have to teach grammar and punctuation?
A misconception that burdens teachers and students is that good writing chiefly means the absence of error. For many students, achieving such proficiency is a long-term project, a skill to be acquired through much practice in many courses, not “injected” once and for all in English comp courses. Content, organization, and development come before editing and surface correctness. You may want to intervene once a student has something substantial on paper, but as a teacher in a discipline course, it is not your primary responsibility to teach grammar and punctuation.
How can I create a WI course?
Submitting a WI course requires meeting requirements and deadlines. If you would like to learn more about creating WI Courses, contact Dr. Linda Hirsch. Intensive assistance is provided, including one-on-one assistance with a Writing Fellow.
How can Writing Fellows help instructors?
Writing Fellows work with instructors to design syllabi and assignments for WI courses. Further, Writing Fellows help implement assignments by assisting during class time.
How can Writing Fellows help students?
Writing Fellows can assist students who may be “sinking” in a class because of the writing requirement. Writing Fellows can attend an instructor’s class or set up regular meeting hours with students.
For Students
How can students get help with their writing?
Students can go to the Writing Center in room C-350 for assistance. They can also speak with their professor about getting assistance from a Writing Fellow.
How can a Writing Fellow help me?
Writing Fellows can help “sweeten” the writing process for you by helping organize your paper and help you with your grammar and syntax.
Why are we doing all this writing anyway?
You may not love writing, but you will love the benefits you get from being a better writer. Your ability to remember information for your exams, speak about what you learn in class, and express yourself in the REAL WORLD improves when you write about it!