On Wednesday May 25 @ 5:30 pm we’ll have our first live drawing session with a model at Hostos....
Archive for category: Meetings
Please contribute & take the Hostos Student Survey!
REES SHAD, , Cool Things, Meetings, Opportunities, 0go and do your part – http://goo.gl/forms/cmajJaVo2m
Dive into the Technology Ecology NOW!
REES SHAD, , Cool Things, Digital Design & Animation, Digital Music, Game Design, Meetings, News, Opportunities, 0Hostos President David Gomez is sponsoring a handful of our media design majors to attend this incredible conference! This...
Calling All Majors
REES SHAD, , Cool Things, Digital Design & Animation, Digital Music, Game Design, Meetings, News, 0Dearest Media Majors, Come have a blast at the All Majors Sock Hop in the gym. Yeah, no shoes...
First Annual Hostos Open Mic Night!
REES SHAD, , Cool Things, Digital Music, Good Times, Meetings, 0March 6th at 6pm will mark the first annual Hostos Open Mic Night featuring talent from the Hostos Media...
ssandman, , Meetings, News, Uncategorized, 0Media Design Programs All Majors Meeting Monday February 10, 2014 | 5:00pm Savoy Multipurpose Room Required for all Game...
Hostos Helping Event – TELL THE WORLD!
REES SHAD, , Cool Things, Digital Music, Good Times, Meetings, News, Uncategorized, 0Hostos Helping – Typhoon Haiyan Relief Fund In the wake of the utter devastation to so much of the...
The Fall 2013 Media Design All Majors meeting had a record turnout with 176 students gathering to get updates...
ALL MAJORS MEETING /// Spring 2012
CATHERINE LEWIS, , Advising, College - the next step, Digital Design & Animation, Digital Music, Game Design, Meetings, News, Scholarships, Your Professors, 0ALL MAJORS MEETING Friday, March 2nd /// 3:30-5:00pm in the Savoy Multi-Purpose Room
All Majors Meeting // FALL 2011
CATHERINE LEWIS, , Digital Design & Animation, Digital Music, Good Times, Meetings, 0We had our third All Majors Meeting for the Digital Programs at the Savoy Multi-purpose room on September 19th....
Calling All Majors!!!
CATHERINE LEWIS, , Digital Design & Animation, Digital Music, Meetings, News, 0Calling all Digital Design & Animation and Digital Music majors! The Spring 2011 All-Majors meeting for the Hostos Digital Programs...