The Advising and Registration/Pre-Registration process for Digital Design & Animation and Digital Music majors at Hostos Community College takes place in the Apple Collaborative Lab in C-515. Professors Rees Shad, Catherine Lewis, and Sarah Sandman are available to advise you during the official college Registration period (see Academic Calendar here).
Advising surveys are a requirement for all students in need of registration advisement. Below you will find links to two different surveys. Please choose the one that best describes your status with the program:
Advising Survey for Students RETURNING to the DD&A/DM/GD Program
Advising Survey for NEW Students to the DD&A/DM/GD Program
Not currently a DD&A/DM/GD major but want to be? Visit C-515 to get your “Change of Major” form signed by Professor Rees Shad.
During the official college registration period for new students, advisement will be available on a first-come first-serve basis in the Apple Lab in C-515. The Computer Lab Assistant (CLA) on duty will be able to assist you with signing in. This will take time, so please be patient. In an effort to keep the appointments moving quickly, please complete the following steps:
- DD&A/DM/GD Advising Survey | Advising Surveys for NEW DD&A/DM/GD majors and for RETURNING DD&A/DM/GD majors.
- Academic Advisement Form | This form is available next to the sign-in sheet in the C-515 Apple Collab. Please have the top portion of this document completed — including the last 4 digits of your student ID #.
- Placement Results | All NEW students must take the CUNY Writing, Reading, & Math placement exams. We need these results to understand what level of English and Math for which you should be advised to register.
- Degree Audit | If you have taken college courses before then you need to please print your Degree Audit from E-Sims. Directions on how to do this are available here.
What will we talk about during the advisement appointment? During advisement, Professors Lewis, Sandman, and Shad will discuss some of the following points for new majors:
- An introduction to the program, its mission, and the resources available to you.
- Why did you choose this major?
- What high school, professional, and creative experiences have you had?
- What are your goals?
- What classes are you required and/or interested in taking?
You and your advisor will develop a schedule of Pre-Requisites and DD&A/DM/GD classes together but will not actually register you for the classes. You will need to officially register yourself into the selected classes via E-SIMS which you access through the CUNY Portal. If you do not have an account or password for E-SIMS, you can head down the hall to C-596 to sign up for assistance in creating an account.
Some common holdups you might encounter during the registration process are:
- Hostos is not selected as your primary college in the CUNY “My Profile” page of the CUNY Portal.
- You are not select as a “student” under your Primary Role in the CUNY “My Profile” page of the portal.
- You have not submitted your proof of MMR to the Nurse’s office A-334
- You do not have a college portal account and you need to go to C-596 to get an E-SIMS account.
- You have a bursar hold. The gym (3rd Floor)temporarily holds the bursar, the registrar, and you can also get your COMPASS placement test results there.
Book Voucher Forms & School ID’s
After registering you need to go to the Gym to get your Bursar receipt. If you receive Financial Aid ask them for a book voucher form. Fill it out and submit it ASAP! Then take your Bursar receipt and go to the basement of the B building to get your school ID.