Body Mass Index (BMI) by Iris Mercado
The BMI is a statistical calculation that gives a uniform way to assess individual’s weight. It suggests the degree to which the individual may be at risk for obesity-related diseases. BMI is not a diagnostic tool but there is an established link between BMI and the prevalence of certain diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, some cancers, and Cardiovascular Disease. BMI is calculated from your height and weight. You can use the online BMI calculator to figure out your BMI by clicking this link:
This table offers a sample of BMI measurements. If you don’t see your height and/or weight listed on this table, go the NHLBI’s complete Body Mass Index Table.
Although BMI can be used for most men and women, it does have some limits. Some limitations of BMI are:
•Does not distinguish between high weights due to excess body fat, large muscle mass or edema. BMI may overestimate total body fat among athletes. Since muscle weighs more than fat, many athletes who develop heavily muscled bodies are classified as overweight, even though they have a low percentage of body fat and are in top physical condition.
•Fail to distinguish between how much of a person’s weight is fat and where the fat is located.
•Does not distinguish between genders, races, or ethnicities.
•The risks associated with a high BMI appear to be greater for whites than for blacks.
•May underestimate body weight for adults over 65 because BMI values are based on data collected from younger people and because people shrink with age.
Calculate your BMI and identify your weight category. Please comment on the space below on your opinion or reaction of the results (Always taking into consideration your cultural background, weight history, age, gender, waist circumference and health status/medical history).