Put the Soda, Juice and Crystal light down, Slowly…

Infused water is becoming increasingly popular these days. You can flavor your water with your own healthy ingredients by using fruits and veggies!
While there are powders such as Crystal Light that can give your water flavor, if you take a look at the Nutrition Facts on the back of the container or packet, you’ll see that there are ingredients that are not even legible. That is never a good sign; know what you’re putting into your body.

Take Maltodextrin for example: it is also used in sodas and candy.Take the ingredient Maltodextrin for example: it is also used in sodas and candy.

You can give your water flavor and reap the benefits of what you infuse your water with. Each fruit and vegetable has vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

I prefer to get berries from the frozen aisle and then get everything else from the produce section, like lemons, limes, mint leaves and grapefruit.

Some Recipes I found on Pintrest.

Some Recipes I found on Pintrest.

*Dr. Mercado’s recommends: shredded ginger, sliced lemon and a pinch of cinnamon powder to reduce inflammation. Also, pineapples and a cinnamon stick.

My Infused Water - lemon, ginger and mint

My Infused Water – lemon, ginger and mint. Bottle purchased from Amazon.com

Have you tried infusing your water? Share some of your favorite recipes!

Be Healthy. Keep Smiling. Enjoy Life.


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