Double Cross DIY

  1. Download DoubleCross DIY Files
  2. Print out the board parts on Cardstock paper (8.5in x 11in).
    [highlight color=”eg. yellow, black”]Note: When printing the board, be sure to select Poster under Page Sizing & Handling, similar to the image below.[/highlight]
  3. Assemble the board as shown in the original file.
  4. You will need three dice
    • 1 D10 (Ten-Sided Die 0-10)
    • 1 D20 (Twenty-Sided Die 1-20)
    • 1 D100 (Ten-Sided *Percentile*Die 00-90)
  1. Using a permanent marker, on the D100, place a decimal point in the middle of all the numbers. For the other ten-sided die, place a decimal point in the front of all numbers. For the twenty-sided die, place a decimal point in the front of all numbers.
  2. You will need five of each colored pawn: Red, Green, Blue and Yellow.

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