You can record your computer screen and related audio, and then embed it in your PowerPoint slide—or you can save it as a separate video file.
PowerPoint Screen Recording
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Purpose of your videos
Video - Lecture Capture
Purpose of the Video Before using videos in your class, the first step is to determining the purpose of...
CUNYfirst, Learning With Technology, Teaching Tools & Guides - Faculty Knowledge Base
Your EMPLID is embedded in a 16-digit number at the back of your Hostos ID card. The 8-digit ...
Enable Zoom Breakout Rooms
Learning With Technology, Teaching Tools & Guides - Faculty Knowledge Base, Zoom
1. In the Zoom meeting, click on the Breakout Rooms button. 2. A window will appear where you can...
Teaching Tools & Guides - Faculty Knowledge Base, Video - Lecture Capture, Camtasia, Lecture-capture, Video Editing
Camtasia, a screen recorder and video editor, makes it simple to record and create professional-looking videos on Windows and...
Protected: Screen Recording Using Camtasia
Video - Lecture Capture, Camtasia
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Video Usage
Microlearning, Video - Lecture Capture
Videos usage in higher education have proven to be very helpful in some cases to help students comprehend the...
Enable Zoom Closed Captions
Learning With Technology, Teaching Tools & Guides - Faculty Knowledge Base, Zoom, Accessibility
This feature provides autogenerated live transcription of spoken words, functioning similarly to subtitles in a movie. There are many...
Join a Zoom Meeting
Learning With Technology, Teaching Tools & Guides - Faculty Knowledge Base, Zoom
Click on the link the Zoom session host sent you. On most invitations, the meeting link will appear under...