Teaching with Technology
Learn more about:
- CUNY Modes of Instruction including In-Person, Online, Hybrid/Blended, and the pilot, HyFlex.
- Teaching & Learning Frameworks that help you finesse course learning outcomes, create the syllabus, and (re)design the curriculum.
- Course evaluation resources to help you gauge how the semester is going for your students and possibly provide guidelines for any course adjustments.
- Grading schemas & frameworks that provide the pedagogical principles of grading schemas and frameworks that make grading more supportive of learning.
- Academic integrity resources to help students succeed both academically and ethically.
- Accessibility resources to ensure equal access to instruction for everyone.
A course instruction modality identifies how the class will be taught. The class may be held in-person, online, or a combination of both. The quality of courses should be de same, regardless of instruction modality; the focus should be on content, pedagogy, and assessment. The definitions below are based on the Coding of Modes of Instruction, Effective Spring 2023 Memo. This memo contains revisions to the standard University definition of modes of instruction coding in CUNYfirst for classes offered at the colleges.
Teaching and learning frameworks provide models for achieving course learning outcomes, creating the syllabus, and (re)designing the curriculum. Below are listed some of the most popular frameworks used in Higher Ed.
Generate Learning Goals, Objectives & Assessment Types
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Teaching & Learning Frameworks, Bloom, Bloom's Taxonomy, General Course Design FrameworkBloom's Taxonomy is a framework for categorizing educational goals, objectives, and outcomes based on cognitive complexity. The original taxonomy,...
The SAMR model, developed in 2010 by education researcher Ruben Puentedura, proposes a framework for technology integration into the...
Developed by Dr. Liz Kolb in 2011, the triple E framework helps instructors determine how to what extent the...
The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework is based on Lee Shulman’s theory that subject matter knowledge should be...
The Flipped Classroom framework advocates for using class time for activities that promote higher-order thinking and directs learners to...
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Teaching & Learning Frameworks, Accessibility, Engaging Students Online, UDLUniversal Design for Learning (UDL) promotes equity in education by ensuring that all individuals have equal opportunities to learn...
Developed by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, Backward Design is a framework for designing courses and content units focused...
The Community of Inquiry (CoI)
Teaching & Learning Frameworks, CoI, Engaging Students Online, General Course Design FrameworkThe Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework is based on the constructivist theory that postulates that people construct knowledge and...
The models presented in this section reflect the latest achievements in the field of instructional design. They represent a set of guidelines and processes in designing various types of training materials that include developing a course, designing lesson plans, and creating/revising individual assignments or projects.
A simplified version of ADDIE, the Successive Approximation Model (SAM) comprises the iterative and agile processes in the development of learning material. It includes three phases Preparation, Iterative Design, and Iterative Development. It highlights the importance of prototyping and gaining learners’ feedback early in the process.
Dick and Carey
The Dick and Carey Systems Approach Model focuses on the interrelationship between elements in the design process. According to Dick and Carey, “Components such as the instructor, learners, materials, instructional activities, delivery system, and learning and performance environments interact with each other and work together to bring about the desired student learning outcomes.”
Course evaluation strategies are important assets for every instructor as they help you gauge how the semester is going for your students and possibly provide guidelines for any course adjustments. In this section, we’ve presented a widely used Kirkpatrick’s Model for the evaluation of learning materials, the Hostos Online Learning (HOLA) Committee that presents the college-wide research on the online teaching and learning experiences of the Hostos community, and the peer-review resources.

The Hostos Online Learning Assessment (HOLA) Committee has been established for three main purposes: to evaluate the effectiveness of the resources the college provides to support faculty and students engaged in hybrid and asynchronous teaching and learning; to investigate student perceptions about their learning experiences matriculating through hybrid and asynchronous courses, and to investigate faculty perceptions about the benefits and [...]

Donald Kirkpatrick developed his model for measuring the effectiveness of learning programs in the 1950s as a part of his Ph.D. dissertation. He discerned four levels of evaluation – Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results. Although the model is widely used in organizational training, it can be applied to higher education. By implementing this evaluation model into their course, instructors can [...]
Below are some of the most common pedagogical principles pertaining to grading schemas and frameworks that make grading more supportive of learning.
Grading on a curve system derives its name after a statistical function called the bell curve or normal distribution...
The Percentage-Based System uses a 100% scale to grade student performance. Each assignment is assigned 100%; individual assignments are...
Each assignment, in a point-based grading system, is assigned a point value. The final grade in a course is...
Academic integrity is highly valued at Hostos Community College. To support students in maintaining academic honesty, the college provides a range of resources necessary for students to succeed both academically and ethically.
Read CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity.
1. Do read your college’s Academic Integrity Policy and follow the rules. 2. Lack of awareness or unintentionally breaking...
Hostos Community College provides accessibility resources for its faculty to ensure that all individuals have equal access to information, technology, and services. These resources include relevant contact information and training and support for creating alternative format materials and resources in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The college’s goal is to create an inclusive and accessible learning environment for all faculty and students.
Accessible Education Laws
Accessibility, EdTech Innovations Articles Issue 15, Fall 2018, AccessibilityBy law, anything posted on a website or other electronic form by an educational institution in the United States...
Accessibility: Making a Microsoft (MS) Word Document Accessible (Part I)
Accessibility, EdTech Innovations Articles Issue 21, Fall 2021, Accessibility, MS WordAccording to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), “Nineteen percent of undergraduates in 2015-16 reported having a disability” (2019).
Accessibility: Making a Microsoft (MS) Word Document Accessible Part II
Accessibility, EdTech Innovations Articles Issue 22, Spring 2022, Accessibility, WordPart II, ahead, illustrates some core accessibility principles such as heading styles, creating lists and meaningful hyperlinks, setting up...
What Is Ally and Why Use It?
Accessibility, EdTech Innovations Articles, Issue 23, Fall 2022, AccessibilityBlackboard ALLY is a tool designed to be fully integrated into Blackboard courses, which improves course quality by making...
Learn more about accessibility laws and policies in higher education.
Let's imagine the following scenario: you are a teacher, and your student is reading your email on their phone...
The advancement and omnipresence of assistive technology and AI-powered digital assistants help people with and without disabilities interact in...
Email accessibility checkers are tools that automatically scan and detect issues that may prevent people with disabilities from accessing...
In this microlearning course, we went over the importance of designing accessible content and introduced accessibility features on commonly...
This guide serves as a concise, practical resource for creating content that is accessible to all.
Course organization is a critical aspect of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and accessibility assuring effective teaching and...
Accessibility in education makes it possible that all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, to have equal access...
For students, a well-structured course means less time spent searching for materials and more time focused on learning. It...
CUNY-licensed MS Stream enables auto-generation of closed captions. However, when videos include recorded student participation, privacy becomes a paramount...
Auto-Generating Closed Captions with CUNY Dropbox
Accessibility, Accessibility, Blackboard, Lecture-capture, Technology IntegrationCUNY-licensed Dropbox is a recommended tool for autogenerating closed captions. However, privacy becomes a paramount concern when videos include...
The latest version of MS Word, available as part of the CUNY Microsoft Office 365, allows you to dictate...
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Protected: Unit III: Structuring Content for Context — Making Headings and Links Accessible
AccessibilityThere is no excerpt because this is a protected post.