Teaching Tools & Guides

EdTech compiled an extensive repository of tutorials and guidelines about teaching & learning platforms and programs such as Brightspace, CUNYfirst, Hostos Social Network, video conferencing, rich media including video editing platforms and software, and interactive tools.

Brightspace Resources for Faculty

Rich Media

Video – Lecture Capture


Camtasia, a screen recorder and video editor, makes it simple to record and create professional-looking videos on Windows and Mac.

PowerPoint Screen Recording

You can record your computer screen and related audio, and then embed it in your PowerPoint slide—or you can save it as a separate video file.


Snagit lets you quickly capture your screen and camera, add additional context, and share images, GIFs, or videos across your preferred platforms.

Auto-Generating Closed Captions with CUNY Dropbox

CUNY-licensed Dropbox is a recommended tool for autogenerating closed captions. However, privacy becomes a paramount concern when videos include recorded student participation.

Interactive Tools


Socrative is a Cloud-Based Student Response System that allows instructors to create quizzes that students can take quickly on their mobile devices, like tablet computers, iPads, or smartphones, as well as laptops and desktops.

Video Conferencing

MS Teams logo

MS Teams

The City University of New York is providing Microsoft Office 365 for Education to all active faculty and staff via the Microsoft Office in Education program. The license remains active until you leave the University, at which point it will be in read-only mode and you will be prompted to pay a license fee to Microsoft or stop using Microsoft [...]

Zoom logo

Claiming Hostos Zoom Account

Go to zoom.us
Click on Sign In.
From the Sign In pop-up, click on SSO.
From the Sign In with SSO page, in the company domain textbox, enter hostos-cuny-edu and click the Continue button.

CUNY Microsoft Office 365 for Education


Hostos Social Network

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