
In this unit, we will explore what RSI is, why it is essential for online courses, and how it impacts both instructors and students.

What is Regular and Substantive Interaction?

RSI refers to ongoing, meaningful interactions between the instructor and students in an online course. This interaction goes beyond simply assigning work; it involves:

  • Regular communication, initiated by the instructor.
  • Substantive feedback and guidance on student work.
  • Active facilitation of discussions or group activities.
  • Providing instructional content that supports learning.

In other words, RSI ensures that students are not learning in isolation. They are engaged with their instructor, receiving feedback, and participating in activities that promote their academic success.

Why Does RSI Matter?

RSI is more than just good teaching practice—it is a federal requirement. The U.S. Department of Education mandates RSI to distinguish online courses from correspondence courses. This distinction is important because it affects:

  • The institution’s eligibility for financial aid. Only online courses that meet RSI standards qualify for federal financial aid. Courses without consistent instructor-student interaction may be classified as correspondence courses, which are not eligible for aid.
  • Compliance with federal law. Institutions risk losing access to student financial aid if they are audited by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Inspector General or during a Departmental financial aid program review.
  • Student success. RSI promotes higher engagement, better learning outcomes, and improved satisfaction for students in online courses.

Key Takeaway

RSI is not only about maintaining the quality of online education but also about ensuring that your students are fully supported and engaged in their learning experience. Without RSI, courses risk being categorized as correspondence courses, jeopardizing both educational quality and financial aid eligibility.

Test Your Knowledge

Let us test your understanding of RSI so far. Answer the following questions:

What is RSI?

Why is RSI important in online courses?

  • IntroRSI – Microlearning
  • Unit 1Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) Defined
  • Unit 2The Components of Substantive Interaction
  • Unit 3Ensuring Regular Interaction
  • Unit 4Tools for Facilitating RSI in Brightspace
  • Unit 5Best Practices for Integrating RSI into Your Course
  • RecapRSI Statement Template


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