Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles designed to promote equity in education by ensuring that all individuals have equal opportunities to learn and engage with the instruction. The UDL framework proposes multiple means of course content representation, action & representation, and engagement.

Provide Multiple Means of

Different activities motivate and engage different people; there is no one set of prescriptive guidelines to assure that all learners respond in a unique way to any learning context. Some people work better alone while others learn better in a group. An array of variables (background knowledge, culture, neurology) should be taken into consideration while designing learning material.

Provide Multiple Means of

This principle draws attention to different ways learners may approach content. For example, cultural differences or language may cause some learners to absorb information quicker but others may absorb the same information less efficiently. The written word resonates better with some people while others prefer video instruction. Therefore, providing content options in learning units helps students achieve learning goals.

Provide Multiple Means of
Action & Expression

Learners with neurological or cognitive disorders may express themselves better in written text, but not in spoken language or the other way around. Some learners are more comfortable using visual organizers and colors, while others better express their ideas through lists. This UDL principle suggests that instructors should provide alternatives in ways they expect learners to respond to learning tasks.


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