
What do students need to achieve the course objectives?

In Unit 1, you analyzed learning objectives for your course, and in Unit 2, you designed assessments that measure those objectives. Now, in Unit 3, you will focus on selecting and refining instructional materials that connect your learning outcomes and assessments. You will also explore how to leverage AI-powered search engines to identify relevant resources that align with your course outcomes, affirming that the selected content supports students’ knowledge and skill development effectively.

1 Align Course Content with Objectives

At this stage of Backward Design, your primary focus will be on developing/refining instructional strategies and selecting learning materials that align with the objectives and assessments already in place. Select content that equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the course objectives. Resources like readings, videos, and interactive tools should align directly with the skills students need to develop.

The learning materials and activities in each module should be carefully selected to help students develop the knowledge and skills required to meet the course outcomes. By considering the key question, “What do students need to know or be able to do in order to succeed on the assessments?” you can add materials and activities that provide a logical progression from foundational concepts to more advanced applications.

2 Leverage AI-Powered Search Engines and LLMs

In this step, we will use AI-powered, conversational search engines to help you locate and access existing information quickly. You can use these tools to source the latest articles, case studies, or media that complement your course objectives. Some of them include:

Assess the search results.

  • How well do the resources align with your course objectives?
  • Are you covering the right cognitive levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy?
  • Will the selected materials engage your students and help them achieve the learning outcomes?

3Apply UDL and Accessibility in Content Selection

As you incorporate AI-powered tools into your content selection process, affirm that materials adhere to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles and meet accessibility standards. UDL promotes the use of multiple means of representation, confirming that all learners can access and engage with the material, whether through text, videos, or interactive tools. Additionally, prioritize accessibility by selecting content that includes features like captions, alt text, and screen-reader compatibility. The goal is that all students, regardless of ability, have equitable access to learning.

Below are some questions that guide the implementation.

  • Does the content offer multiple formats to cater to diverse learning preferences?
  • Are accessibility features in place, such as captions and alt text, for all learners?
  • Does the content align with both course objectives and accessibility guidelines?

Key Takeaways

In this unit, you explored how to select and refine instructional materials that align with your course objectives and assessments. By leveraging AI-powered search engines and LLMs like ChatGPT, you can source relevant resources, generate creative activities, and enhance the learning experience. Additionally, applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and accessibility principles makes sure that the materials are inclusive and cater to diverse student needs.

Take Action

Using the AI-powered tools discussed in this unit, begin by selecting course materials that align with your learning objectives and assessments. Leverage AI search engines to find relevant resources like articles, videos, or case studies. Then, use LLMs such as ChatGPT to generate instructional strategies or student activities based on your course outcomes.

After selecting and refining your content, compile your module and share your outline in the comments for peer feedback and collaboration.


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