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Compare Assignment Opportunities in Brightspace

BrS Assignment & Turnitin


Understanding the differences between the Brightspace Assignment Tool and Turnitin LTI is important for balancing academic integrity with seamless course management. Each tool has its unique strengths and integration methods within Brightspace.

Brightspace Assignment Tool

Native to Brightspace, this tool facilitates the creation, submission, and grading of assignments. It is closely tied to other Brightspace functionalities, like the Grade Book, offering a cohesive user experience.

Turnitin LTI

As an external tool integrated through LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability), Turnitin specializes in plagiarism detection and the creation, submission, and grading of assignments. It provides detailed similarity reports but, unlike Brightspace Assignments, Turitin requires students to access the tool through a learning module or submodule in Brightspace.

Brightspace Assignment Tool
Plagiarism Detection  
AI Detection    
File Submissions  
Text Submissions    
On Paper Submissions    
Observed in Person    
ETS® e-rater®    

Plagiarism Detection
Tools that focus on identifying similarities between a submitted document and existing sources, such as academic papers, websites, and books, to detect potential plagiarism.

AI Detection
AI detection tools leverage advanced algorithms to provide more comprehensive language and content analysis to detect AI-generated content.

File Submissions
Allows you to specify the number and type of files (PDF, Word, PPT, etc.) students can upload, with specific submission rules.

Text Submissions
Students are prompted to type text directly in Brightspace or Turnitin.

On Paper Submissions
This option is for assignments submitted offline. Brightspace tracks whether the assignment is completed, but there are no digital submissions.

Observed in Person
Similar to On Paper, this is for in-person assessments with no digital submission, focusing on completion tracking.

ETS® e-rater®
This tool refers to a grammar feedback technology used in conjunction with Turnitin. If enabled, it automatically checks submitted work for grammar, usage, mechanics, style, and spelling errors. Automated feedback appears on the paper as purple comments.

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