The dates for each and every course topic, learning unit, and assessment are provided in enough detail so students can maintain their own calendars to keep track of due dates.

Point students to external websites that could offer them extra practice exercises relevant to the course of study, help them understand the material in different ways, or support them to develop skills that are essential to completing assignments but not relevant specifically to the course content. Examples include Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) for support with essay writing and Khan Academy for lessons in math, science and history.

Instructors view students enrolled in a class, or dropped from a class, or are on the wait list for a class using the Class Roster component of the Faculty Center.

In addition to presenting a complete list of students by enrollment status, class rosters also display detailed class information such as course title and number, class section and class number, as well as class meeting details.

  1. Log into CUNYfirst and click the Faculty Center tile.
  2. Click the My Schedule tile.
  3. The My Teaching Schedule displays for the current term in a table format. Class rosters become available as soon a student enrolls in the class.  If needed, click the change term button to select the desired term.
  4. To view the class roster, click the Class Roster icon to the left of the Class (course catalog code, section number and class number).
  5. On the Class Roster page in the Enrolled Students section, the roster displays a list of enrolled students in alphabetical order by last and then first name including their: ID (CUNY ID), Name, Grade Basis, Units, Program and Plan, and Level.
  6. To view students that are not currently enrolled, click the Enrollment Status dropdown box icon; and then select the status you wish to view.
  7. For example, if students have dropped the class since it began and prior to the official Withdrawal period (during which a student would receive a grade of W for the course), then select Dropped on the Enrollment Status dropdown box icon. Refer to the Grade Roster to see the students who have officially withdrawn from the class.
  8. To download the roster as an Excel file, click the Download icon on the Enrolled Students title bar.  An Excel file with the class roster information will be downloaded automatically to the local computer.
  9. Select the Printer Friendly Version link and follow your browser’s prompts to print the class roster.
  10. If needed, click the Change Class button to return to the My Teaching Schedule and select other Class Roster icons.

End of Procedure.

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