Instructors enter bibliographic details of instructional materials for their assigned classes.

Course Material Types include; Article, Book, Cassette Recording, Chapter, Computer File, Electronic Resource, Film or Movie, Journal/Periodical, Map, Microform/Microfilm, Mixed Formats, Recording, and Score.

Before the start of this procedure, turn off your browser’s pop-up blocker.

Textbook details may be entered in three ways on a row:

  • Copy instructional materials from other class sections;
  • Use the integrated WebSearch function; and
  • Manually.

When applicable, enter copy textbooks rows first as it will overwrite existing textbook details.

  1. Log into CUNYfirst and click the Faculty Center tile.
  2. Click the My Textbooks tile.
  3. Add how to get to the class
  4. Method 1 – Copy instructional materials from other class sections.
    1. On the My Textbooks page in the My Textbooks section header, select the row of the class section in which to enter details of instructional materials.
    2. Select the Copy Textbooks button to go to the Enter Search Criteria page.
      This message displays to warn that all existing textbook data will be overwritten.
    3. Click the OK button.
    4. On the Enter Search Criteria page, click the Institution dropdown box icon; and then select the correct college or school.
    5. Click the Term dropdown box icon; and then select the correct term.
    6. In the Class Search Criteria section, click the Course Subject dropdown box icon; and then select the correct subject.
      Note: At least two Class Search Criteria must be selected in this section.
    7. Enter the Course Number displayed in the Course Catalog.
    8. Click the Course Career dropdown box icon; and then select the correct career.
    9. Click the Show Open Classes Only checkbox to view both open and closed sections.
    10. Click the Search button.
    11. On the My Textbooks Search Results page, courses are listed in alphabetical order.
      Status displays as either an Open icon or a Closed icon.
    12. Select the Section link to view class details.
    13. Verify the instructional materials displayed are the correct entries to be copied to the new section, and then click the Select Class button on the Class Details page.
      The copied details display on the My Textbooks page.
  5. Method 2 – Use the integrated WebSearch function.
    1. As needed in the textbook details area, to add additional materials, click the Add a new row icon.
    2. On the My Textbooks page to use the Integrated WebSearch function.
    3. Select the Search button in the textbook details row.
    4. If copied textbooks materials have already been selected, then add a row and select the Search button on the new row.
      A separate window pop-ups displaying the Search window.
    5. Enter search criteria as text and click the Search button to display the search results.
      Icons appear next to the type of instructional material to view from right to left one, more or all results.
    6. To discard the search results and perform another search, click the Delete icon next to the Search button.
    7. Click the Select link of instructional materials to obtain the textbook details data.
    8. Some textbook details fields may auto-fill as in the example above. If not, then enter found bibliographic details in the corresponding fields in the textbook details area.
    9. Enter the price in the Price Field.
    10. Click the Course Material Type dropdown box icon, and then select a description of the instructional materials from the item list.
    11. Choose from these types of Course Materials:  Article, Book, Cassette Recording, Chapter, Computer File, Electronic Resource, Film or Movie, Journal/Periodical, Map, Microform/Microfilm, Mixed Formats, Recording, and Score.
    12. Click the Status dropdown box icon, and then select either the recommend or required list item.
    13. Click the Save button.
  6. Method 3 – Manually.
    1. As needed on the textbook details header, select the Add a new row icon.
    2. Enter additional instructional materials manually for the same section.
    3. Enter the price in the Price Field.
    4. Click the Save button.
    5. When all course materials are entered, select the Textbook entry complete radio button to display all of the entries in self-service.
      Note: Once the Textbook entry complete radio button is selected, no changes may be made to the entered data.

End of Procedure.

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