By Carlos Guevara, Director and Wilfredo Rodríguez, Coordinator, EdTech

George Rosa Receiving the Award
It is a bittersweet feeling for the EdTech team to share that after almost 20 years of being part of the team, George Rosa, Senior Instructional Designer, and Blackboard administrator, retired from his position at EdTech last May this year. George, part of the initial team, together with Carlos Guevara, our current Director, and Elkin Urrea when the office of Educational Technology was formed in 2002.

His dedication, patience, and experience influenced many generations of instructional designers that have been part of the office.

His passion for education and technology, shared with his many years of teaching experience, and extremely calm and patient approach to support faculty has been recognized and appreciated and will be missed.


2017 Are You Ready online learning preparation course, to Carlos Guevara, David Dos Santos, George Rosa and Aaron Davis

The award for the Are You Ready online learning preparation course to Carlos Guevara, David Dos Santos, George Rosa, and Aaron Davis

We invite all faculty and staff members who would like to share words of appreciation and farewell for George to write on a special Kudo board we created for him:

We wish George much joy in his well-deserved retirement!


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