CUNY Excellence in Technology: Innovation Award
EdTech team receiving an award in 2019

The award was received for the project: A Roadmap to Success – Establishing an Online Course Development Framework. The Online Course Development Framework consists of elements designed to ensure the creation and assessment of quality online courses, as well as student and faculty preparedness for online learning. Examples include innovating ongoing development for faculty, offering virtual resources for students, and developing evidence-based evaluation processes to maintain the quality of online offerings Hostos is an online learning leader among CUNY community colleges and has won numerous awards in recognition of its accomplishments in fostering teaching innovation.

Book Publication
Developig Educational Technology book cover

The EdTech Director, Prof. Carlos Guevara, Prof. Kate Wolfe, and Prof. Kate Lyons published the book Developing Educational Technology at an Urban Community College in August 2019.

CUNY Excellence in Technology Innovation Award
EdTech team receiving an award in 2018

CUNY Excellence in Technology Innovation Award for Hostos Innovation Chase went to Carlos Guevara, Kate Lyons, and Wilfredo Rodríguez.

Blackboard, Inc. Catalyst Award for Optimizing the Student Experience
2017 Are You Ready online learning preparation course, to Carlos Guevara, David Dos Santos, George Rosa and Aaron Davis

2017 Are You Ready? Online Learning Preparation course award went to Carlos Guevara, David Dos Santos, George Rosa and Aaron Davis.

2016 CUNY Excellence in Technology Award
2016 CUNY Excellence in Technology Award

The Innovation Award for the Are You Ready? Online Learning Preparation course went to Carlos Guevara, George Rosa, and Aaron Davis.

2016 National Survey Recognizes Top 10 Tech-Savvy Community Colleges
National Survey Recognizes Top 10 Tech-Savvy Community Colleges

In 2016, Hostos Community College was awarded 1st place as a Digital Community College of the Year. EdTech work, especially promoting the development and increasing of online learning at Hostos contributed to receiving this recognition.

CUNY Excellence in Technology Award
Bronx EdTech Showcase recepients

Collaboration Award for the Bronx EdTech Showcase, to Carlos Guevara, Kate Lyons, and Lisa Tappeiner, also Mark Lennerton and Albert Robinson (Bronx Community College), and Alyson Vogel (Lehman College).

Excellence in Technology Service Award
Carlos_Guevara Excellence Award_2014

Mr. Carlos Guevara received the Excellence in Technology Service award in 2014.

CUNY Productivity Award 2013
Carlos_Guevara productivity award_2013

Mr. Carlos Guevara received the CUNY Productivity Award in 2013 for the project Hostos Reward Points Program.

Master Presenter Award
2012 Master Presenter Award

Mr. Carlos Guevara received the Master Presenter Award by the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) in May 2012 at Austin, Texas.

CUNY Productivity Award 2011
2011 CUNY Productivity Award

Mr. Carlos Guevara received the CUNY Productivity Award in 2011 for the Space Reservation System and Workshop System.

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