In Brightspace, creating assignments is a straightforward process that allows you to align these assessments with your course objectives and learning outcomes. This unit will guide you through the steps to create assignments using the native Brightspace assignments tool and Turnitin LTI. The guidelines emphasize accessibility and are aligned with Universal Design of Learning (UDL) principles that cater to diverse learning needs, enriching the educational journey for all students.

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Creating accessible assignments and quizzes is not just a best practice but a cornerstone of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Applying UDL principles entails clear instructions on the instructor’s part but also provides flexibility in deadlines and submission format

Give Instructions Using Clear Language & Structure
  • Use clear, concise language and bullet points for easy comprehension.
  • Ideally, offer instructions in multiple formats, such as text and audio, to cater to different learning preferences.
  • Steer clear of complex sentence structures or jargon that might confuse students.
Allow for Flexibility
  • Allow students the flexibility to showcase their understanding in various ways—be it through written assignments, presentations, or discussions.
  • Consider offering resubmissions or alternative assignments that align with UDL’s principle of multiple means of action and expression.
  • Whenever possible, offer flexible deadlines or extended time for quizzes and assignments. This supports UDL’s principle of multiple means of engagement by reducing stress and barriers related to time management.
Provide Instructions in Accessible Format
  • Provide alternative text descriptions if your instructions include images.
  • Ensure that text and background colors have sufficient contrast for those with visual impairments.
  • Include closed captions if your instructions include video material.

Brightspace Assignments - How To

Watch the video, print the abridged version, or read the instructions in the browser below.

Option A

Click on the Assignments tab from the top navbar.

Assignments link from top navbar

Option B

Click on the Course Admin link at the top menu.
Click on the Name tab.
Click on the Assignments link.

If you choose to filter course tools by category, the assignments tool is listed in the assessments category.

Assignments link from Course Admin

Option C

  • Click on Content link on the top navbar.
  • Select the module where you want to create an assignment.
  • Click on the Upload/Create button.
  • Select New Assignment.
Add new assignment from module

Once you access the Assignment tool, click on the New Assignment button.

New Assignment button

1 Name. Type in the assignment name.

2 Instructions. Type in instructions.

3 Attachments. Attach files or recordings if you wish.

Assignment title and points possible

Link the assignment to the gradebook

1 Grade Out Of. Click on the word ‘Ungraded’ in the Grade Out Of field.

2Points. Enter the maximum points possible for that assignment.

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The ‘In Grade Book’ icon will appear after you enter the maximum points possible. This means that the assignment item will be automatically created in the grade center.

A Evaluation & Feedback. Click on the Evaluation & Feedback section on the right and select Add Rubric if you wish.

Make the assignment gradable

Expand the Submission & Completion tab.

File Submissions. This is a default option. Students can upload various types of files including .docx, PDF, ppt, etc.

Text Submissions. Students are prompted to type text directly in Brightspace.

On Paper Submissions. There will be a Mark As Complete button to track the assignments submitted offline.

Observed in Person. Similar to On Paper, this is for in-person assessments with no digital submission, focusing on completion tracking.

Assignment Submission Formats

1 Visibility toggle button. Click on the visibility toggle button at the bottom of the screen and set it to the Visible option.

2 Availability Dates & Conditions.

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Expand Availability Dates & Conditions at the right to define the start and end points of the assignment visibility and interaction for students. The Visible option at the bottom of the screen must be enabled for the availability date restrictions to work properly.
Assignment availability dates

A Due Date. Set the due date in the Due Date box located below the assignment name.

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You can also click the link below these fields to change the default settings for availability dates and add availability dates to your Calendar. When you collapse Expand Availability Dates & Conditions, the summary text displays the selected start and end date information. The default time for an assignment Start Date is set to 12:00 AM. The default End Date time is set to 11:59 PM.


Assignment due date

Locate the assignment you wish to edit in the list of assignments.

Click on the arrow next to the assignment’s name to open its settings.

Click on the Edit Assignment option.

Modify desired options.

Click Save and Close to update the assignment after making all desired edits.

In the Assignment edit mode, click on the Evaluation & Feedback tab.

Checkmark the “Hide student names during assessment” option under the Anonymous Marking section.

Anonymous Marking

Click on the Availability Dates & Conditions tab on the right.

Click on the Manage Special Access link under the Special Access section.

Manage Special Access

Select the first radio button from the top.

Click on the Add Users to Special Access button.

Add Users to Special Access

Set the due date and availability exceptions. Remember that these dates will affect only the student(s) you select in this area.

Checkmark the student(s) you wish to allow special access.

Availability exceptions

You must create groups in Brightspace before you proceed (click on Course Admin > Groups.)

1 Group Assignment. Expand the Submission & Completion section on the right side of the assignment interface.

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Click on the Group Assignment option (note that, if you haven’t created any groups in Brightspace, you will see a notification that “no groups exist” in this area. Select the group from the drop-down menu.

Complete tasks outlined under the “Create a gradable assignment” section above. 

Group assignments

Enable the Plagiarism Detection Tool

👉 Integrated in Brightspace’s Assignment tool

Turnitin LTI V2 integrates directly into Brightspace’s Assignments tool, allowing instructors to seamlessly check for originality and provide feedback without leaving the Brightspace Assignment tool interface. Turnitin identifies instances where content matches or closely resembles existing sources by comparing submitted work against a vast database of academic papers, web content, and previously submitted assignments. The focus is on recognizing direct or near-exact copying and improper citation. Turnitin produces a similarity report that highlights the percentage of the submitted text that is similar to other works, lists the sources with which it matches, and shows the specific parts of the document that overlap with existing content. Students can access both the reports and feedback, if enabled by the instructor, through the Grades or Assignments page, all within the familiar Brightspace environment.

The CUNY-licensed version of Turnitin does not have AI detection tools that detect AI-generated content.

Click on the Assignments tab from the top navbar.

Click on the New Assignment button.

You can also access the Turnitin tool by editing existing Brightspace assignments.

New Assignment button

Click on the Evaluation & Feedback tab on the right.

Click on the Manage Turnitin link under the Turnitin Integration section.

Manage Turnitin

1 Checkmark the “Enable Similarity Report for this folder” option.

A If you wish to allow students to view the similarity report, checkmark the “Allow learners to see similarity scores in their submission folder” option.

Turnitin Integration options

Click on the Assignments link on the top navbar and locate the assignment that received student submissions.

Click on the chevron next to the assignment name.

Select View Submissions.

Grade assignment submissions

Click the percentage bar next to the submission title to view the similarity report.

Percentage bar next to the submission
Take Action
  • Using the steps above, create at least one assignment in your Brightspace course.
  • Review them to ensure they are aligned with your course objectives and are accessible to all students.


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