14th Annual Professional Development Day, CTL Spa Day.
Transforming the Hostos Community: Fostering Inclusion, Cultivating Belonging, and Enhancing Retention
11:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Poster Display
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM
Registration & Networking
Hostos Cafe
1:45 PM – 2:00 PM
Viewing of Posters
Soft Music by Emmanuel “Manny” Diaz
2:00 PM – 2:05 PM
2:05 PM – 2:15PM
Provost Remarks
2:15 PM -2:25 PM
Teaching Day through Music & Movement
Edu 104 Student – Music & Movement
2:25 PM – 2:40 PM
Service Learning & Civic Engagement at Hostos
Sandy Figueroa
Associate Professor
Business Department
Biao Jiang
Assistant Professor
Natural Sciences
Denise Cummings-Clay
Assistant Professor
Education Department
2:40 PM – 2:55 PM
Connecting Sabbatical Experience & Service in Puerto Rico
2:55 PM – 3:15 PM
Hostos Reads: How to Think?
Silvia Reyes
Title V Director
Office of Academic Affairs
Elisabeth Tappeiner
Associate Professor
Library Department
3:15 PM – 3:30 PM
Infusing QR/QL in your Teaching
Nana Mukbaniani, Quantitative Reasoning Fellow, CTL
3:30 PM – 3:35 PM
Closing Remarks
Cynthia Jones, Lecturer, English Department / CTL Co-Director
Carlos Guevara, EdTech Director/CTL Co-Director
3:35 PM – 4:00 PM
Poster Display and Networking
Service Learning & Civic Engagement: Service Learning is a method of teaching and learning that enriches academic life and life-long learning by engaging students in meaningful hands-on service to the community while gaining valuable knowledge and skills that integrate with course objectives. Service learning focuses on critical reflective thinking and experiential learning that address local needs and foster civic responsibility. (Campus Compact) Contact Prof. Sarah Hoiland, Email: SHOILAND@hostos.cuny.edu
Point (Peer observation Improvement Network for Teaching): The point of peer observations is to foster reflection on what is the primary purpose for the existence of any college—teaching and learning. As faculty, feedback is offered through peer observations, student evaluations, and grade reports. Peer observation is the only one of those three that offers witnessed information that supports a recommendation for growth. Contact Prof. Diana Macri, Email: DMACRI@hostos.cuny.edu
Team-Based Learning: Team-Based Learning is an opportunity for students to work on assignments in class in teams on a regular basis rather than the sporadic “turn to your partner and work on this assignment in class”. At Hostos, the members of the focus group on incorporating working with groups in the classroom or team-based learning have met to share the reason, purpose, strategies, and best practices for students working in groups or teams. Several members of our focus group have experienced success with team-based learning and have made presentations and shared their students’ collaborative projects. We have only begun to scratch the surface on improving the technique of teaching using groups in the classroom. Contact Prof. Sandy Figueroa, Email: SFIGUEROA@hostos.cuny.edu
SoTL: The Hostos CTL Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) group arose from a conversation among four faculty members from different departments who were interested in documenting their approach to teaching -through an inquiry lens. Contact Prof. Nelson Nuñez-Rodriguez, Email: NNRODRIGUEZ@hostos.cuny.edu
Writing Group: The Hostos Writing Group provides a collegial support-system for faculty as they work toward publication. All faculty are invited to submit their work for review, regardless of where they are at in their writing. Contact Prof. Jacqueline DiSanto, Email: JDISANTO@hostos.cuny.edu