Hostos faculty members are committed to excellence, as they constantly engage in professional activities designed to strengthen their craft. To that end, CTL sponsors small, sustained, and interdisciplinary conversations for volunteer faculty who desire to work in teams to improve teaching at Hostos.

CTL supported cross-disciplinary scholarship activities run by CTL Advisory Council committees, as well as four faculty investigation groups (FIGs): Peer Observation Improvement Network for Teaching (POINT), Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Investigation Group, Service Learning, and Team-based Learning. In AY 2020-2021, almost 28 % of full-time faculty members participated in committee work and investigation groups sponsored by CTL. The goal of the Faculty Investigation Groups is to share the work of the teaching faculty by exploring teaching strategies used in the classroom.

Faculty Inquiry Groups

Faculty Inquiry Groups (FIGs) at Hostos are groups of faculty members who come together to explore a topic of mutual interest or concern related to teaching and learning. These groups typically meet regularly over the course of an academic term or semester. The goal of a FIG is to provide a space for faculty members to share ideas, exchange information and best practices, and collaborate on teaching and learning research or projects. Some common activities that take place in FIGs include reading and discussing scholarly literature on teaching and learning, observing and analyzing each other’s classroom practices, and working on projects related to curriculum development or assessment.


Hostos Community College offers a variety of initiatives and programs to support faculty members in achieving their professional goals. They are designed to provide faculty members with the resources and support they need to excel in their teaching and professional endeavors and are tailored to meet the diverse needs of Hostos faculty.

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