Ernest Ialongo

Ernest Ialongo

Ernest Ialongo is Professor of History and Chair of the Behavioral & Social Sciences Department, Chair of the Hostos College-Wide Senate, and Co-Director of the Hostos Honors Program. He is the author of the book Filippo Tommaso Marinetti: The Artist and his Politics with Fairleigh Dickinson University Press (2015), and co-editor of New Directions in Italian and Italian American History: Selected Essays from the Conference in Honor of Philip Cannistraro (2013). He co-edited three special sections of the Journal of Modern Italian Studies—entitled “Reconsidering Futurism” (September 2013), “Multi/Interdisciplinary Investigations into Italy and World War I” (March 2016), and “Italy and the Euro-Mediterranean Migrant Crisis: National Reception, Lived Experiences, E.U. Pressures” (September 2018). He has authored various articles dealing with Futurism, Italian politics and culture, and antisemitism in Liberal and Fascist Italy. Most recently, he authored “Nation-Building through Antisemitism: Fascism and the Jew as the Internal Enemy” in Annali d’Italianistica (2019), and “Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and Fascist Italy’s Racial Turn: Accommodating the Regime and Legitimating Persecution” in Visual History: Rivista internazionale di storia e critica dell’immagine 4 (2018). He co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Modern Italian Studies entitled “On the 80th Anniversary of the Racial Laws. Essays Reflecting the Cur-rent Scholarship on Italian Fascist Antisemitism in Honor of Michele Sarfatti.” His most recent work is entitled “Visualizing Italy through a Militant Lens: F.T. Marinetti and Italy’s Military Experience” in Italy and the Military: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Mattia Roveri (2020).

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