Amanda Bernal-Carlo

Amanda Bernal-Carlo

Amanda Bernal-Carlo, Ph.D., is a biologist originally from Colombia, where, for several years, she studied the ecology of the Andean Highlands, including the Andean Forest and the Paramos. She has published scientific papers on snakes and amphibians describing several species new to science. In 1996, she received the First National Research Prize from the Colombian government for her re-search in the Andean Mountains. At Hostos, Amanda has served as Chair of the Natural Sciences Department and later as the Associate Dean of the Office of Academic Affairs. She worked on the creation of several initiatives at the college, including the Honors Program for Liberal Arts students, the Summer Honors Institute, and the Center for Teaching and Learning. She was also Chair of the College-Wide Curriculum Committee for eleven years. Under her leadership, Hostos CTL received the US International Exemplary Leadership Award from the Chair Academy and the Exemplary Initiatives Award for Curriculum Innovation from the Instructional Leadership Academy. Currently, Amanda is the President of the Great Balance (The Great Balance website), a not-for-profit organization, working mainly at the Heart of the World, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, with the Arhuaco Indigenous People and their Mamos (spiritual priests) on education, sustainability, environment, and women’s rights issue.


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