Using Open Digital Technology in our Classrooms and Beyond it to Enhance Learning
Lucie Mingla & Suman Ganguli, Adjunct Professors, Mathematics, New York City College of Technology
The Opening Gateways project is a five-year cross-campus collaboration between the mathematics departments of City Tech and BMCC supported by the U.S. Department of Education. The project is focused on promoting student success in gateway mathematics courses, Opening Gateways engages faculty in an intensive seminar that introduces active learning strategies, open educational resources, and open digital pedagogies. Come join us for a lively session where we will discuss some of the STEM applications and interactive activities developed by Opening Gateway faculty for CityTech’s algebra and trigonometry courses. These include applications of powerful educational technologies such as: Desmos (an online graphing calculator); WeBWork (a web-based homework system), and the OpenLab (CityTech’s opensource digital platform). We will demonstrate these technologies, share our classroom experiences using them, and discuss best practices for their implementation.