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Gender Differences in Self-Regulated Learning in Partially Online Courses at a Community College

Gender Differences in Self-Regulated Learning in Partially Online Courses at a Community College 2018

Gender Differences in Self-Regulated Learning in Partially Online Courses at a Community College


Edward Volchok, Associate Professor, Queensborough Community College


Some scholarly literature suggests that female students are more motivated than their male counterparts. Are female students more self-regulated than male students? Self- regulation is not the same as intelligence or academic performance. Self-regulated learners take control of their learning. They create goals, implement plans, and monitor their progress to maximize academic success. Gender differences on self-regulated learning were measured using the following quantitative measures: 1) Extra Credit points earned on early semester assignments,  2) Pre-semester cumulative GPAs, and 3) semester averages adjusted to exclude extra credit points. The presenter examined data from 435 students in 19 hybrid classes.  In this session, the presenter will share the key findings of this study:  1) Female students earn more extra credit points on three early semester extra credit assignments, 2) Female students start the semester with significantly higher pre-semester cumulative grade point averages than male students, 3) Female students earn higher semester averages than male students.

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