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Clicker-based Peer Instruction in a Flipped, Large-enrollment Science Gateway Course

modified peer instruction

Clicker-based Peer Instruction in a Flipped, Large-enrollment Science Gateway Course


Donna McGregor, Assistant Professor, Chemistry; Pamela Mills, Acting Dean, NSS; Shejla Pollozi, Graduate Student, Chemistry; Ibrahim Haddad, Undergraduate Students, Chemistry, All from Lehman College


Peer instruction (PI) is a teaching technique in which class time is designed to deepen understanding via conceptual and quantitative questions. This allows the instructor to design active learning activities to tackle common misconceptions, but means the instructor loses lecture time in the classroom. One way to overcome this is the use of a video backbone to deliver lecture material. In this talk we introduce our fully flipped general chemistry video backbone and will focus on the development of our clicker taxonomy and how we use it to prepare clicker questions that facilitate a learning arc in the classroom.

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