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2023 Keynote & Special Presenters – Live Stream

Hall of Fame Playhouse


The Present and Future of Higher Ed: The Same but Different

Kim Siegenthaler, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Strategy and Operations, City University of New York

10:15 – 10:45am
Kim Siegenthaler


Higher education is both the same and different post-COVID pandemic. The pivot to emergency remote instruction accelerated momentum toward greater flexibility in instructional modalities and the incorporation of academic technologies into the teaching and learning environment. Online education has gone mainstream at many institutions where it was previously on the periphery, and many of those institutions are working out the appropriate balance of online, in-person and everything in between. What remains the same in the midst of this change is the importance of good teaching regardless of modality. The presenter will explore the intersection of instructional modality, technology, and teaching and learning from a student-first perspective and will address the importance of alternative credentials in meeting students’ needs.

Share your comments about the presentations here or in our social media sites (use the hashtag #bronxedtech).

Hall of Fame Playhouse

Enlightenment Keynote

CUNY IT Resiliency

Eusebio Formoso, Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and the Chief Information Officer (CIO), City University of New York

2:30- 3:20pm
Eusebio Formoso


CUNY, like most institutions of higher education, is investing more in its information technology to support academic and business operation demands. Moreover, the CUNY community expects and depends on the round-the-clock availability of applications and services delivered through this technology. In his keynote, Vice Chancellor Formoso will outline the CUNY IT resiliency projects–planned and in progress, both preventative and reactive–to ensure the University’s academic and business operations can continue in the event of natural and man-made emergencies.

Share your comments about the presentations here or in our social media sites (use the hashtag #bronxedtech).

Hall of Fame Playhouse

Fireside Chat with University Stakeholders

Bridging Communication Gaps to Meet Student and Institutional Needs while Implementing Online Learning

 Carlos Guevara, Director, Educational Technology & CTL, Hostos Community College
 Kim Siegenthaler, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Strategy and Operations, CUNY Central
 Luis Montenegro, Dean of Academic Affairs, Bronx Community College
 Allison Lehr Samuels, Director, Center for Teaching and Learning & Lecturer, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College
 Natasha Nurse-Clarke, Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Undergraduate Program Director, Lehman College
 Tiffany Atiles, Student, Cybersecurity & Networking Major, Bronx Community College  
Sammy Fasolino, Graduate Student, Organizational Leadership Major, Lehman College
1:40- 2:30pm


Join us for a candid conversation with university stakeholders on the challenges of implementing online learning that meets the needs of students and the institutions. The panel of students, faculty, academic dean, CTL/online director, and university leader will share their perspectives on the difficulties of ensuring effective communication and meeting the needs of all involved parties. They will explore the challenges of providing effective online learning experiences that meet student needs while maintaining academic rigor and ensuring successful outcomes for the institution. They will also discuss the importance of clear communication between stakeholders in ensuring the success of online learning initiatives.

Share your comments about the presentations here or in our social media sites (for Twitter: use the hashtag #bronxedtech).