Bronx EdTech Showcase logo
HandRobot handHuman-AI Synergy2025 BX EDTECH SHOWCASEFriday, May 2, 2025Bronx EdTech showcase logoCUNY logoBronx community college logoLehman college logoHostos Community College logoShaping Education to Promote Digital Equity and InclusionRSVP
HandRobot handShowcase RepositoryView2025 BX EDTECH SHOWCASEFriday, May 2, 2025Bronx EdTech showcase logoCUNY logoBronx community college logoLehman college logoHostos Community College logo
HandRobot handBecome a SponsorLearn More2025 BX EDTECH SHOWCASEFriday, May 2, 2025Bronx EdTech showcase logoCUNY logoBronx community college logoLehman college logoHostos Community College logo


Join us for a very special opportunity to gather together and explore some of the most effective and engaging classroom practices. Innovators from the three Bronx CUNY colleges, Lehman College, Hostos and Bronx Community Colleges, demonstrate their exemplary models for integrating and infusing technology into their fully online, hybrid and traditional teaching methods. This year’s #BronxEdTech Showcase will be in person on Friday, May 3, 2024 at Hostos Community College, and will mark our 11th year. 

The theme of this year is:

Let’s Talk: Rethinking Authentic Learning & Assessment in the Age of AI

Call for Proposals

In various industries and technological domains, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools has become commonplace, revolutionizing processes and enhancing outcomes. However, academia has exhibited hesitancy in endorsing the utilization of AI by students, driven by concerns about compromising the authenticity of original student ideas and the potential for students to present AI-generated work as their own. A fundamental objective of education is to equip graduates for success beyond the academic realm. This raises a crucial question for educators: How can we embrace the potential of AI tools in education while fostering a culture that champions originality, critical thinking, and innovative ideas among students? Join us in exploring strategies to strike a balance between leveraging AI advancements and nurturing the unique intellectual contributions of students, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges of the future.

For this year’s showcase we’re planning on an interactive format. Presenters will introduce a topic for up to 10 minutes and then lead a 20-minute long conversation or Q & A about the topic. Proposals should revolve around the discussion questions that will be presented.

Extended Deadline:
Sunday, March 17th, 2024

Keynote Speakers

We are Thrilled to announce this year's keynote speakers.

Kim Siegenthaler, CUNY Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Strategy and Operations

Kim Siegenthaler

Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Strategy and Operations, City University of New York
Eusebio (Seb) Formoso is the City University of New York Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and the Chief Information Officer (CIO).

Eusebio Formoso

Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and the Chief Information Officer (CIO), City University of New York

Conference Schedule

2023 Bronx EdTech Showcase: Full Program
9:00am – 9:30am

Registration & Breakfast

9:30am – 9:45am

Welcome from College Presidents & Showcase Steering Committee

9:50am - 10:40am

Enlightenment Keynote - The Present and Future of Higher Ed: The Same but Different

10:50am - 11:20am

Concurrent Session I

11:30am - 12:00pm

Concurrent Session II

12:00pm - 12:50pm

Lunch Break & Networking

1:00pm - 1:30pm

Concurrent Session III

1:40pm – 2:30pm

Fireside Chat with University Stakeholders: Bridging Communication Gaps to Meet Student and Institutional Needs while Implementing Online Learning

    • Carlos Guevara, Director, Educational Technology & CTL, Hostos Community College

    • Kim Siegenthaler, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Strategy and Operations, CUNY Central
    • Luis Montenegro, Dean of Academic Affairs, Bronx Community College
    • Allison Lehr Samuels, Director, Center for Teaching and Learning & Lecturer, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College
    • Natasha Nurse-Clarke, Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Undergraduate Program Director, Lehman College
    • Tiffany Atiles, Student, Cybersecurity & Networking Major, Bronx Community College
    • Sammy Fasolino, Graduate Student, Organizational Leadership Major, Lehman College

2:30pm - 3:20pm

Enlightenment Keynote - CUNY IT Resiliency

3:20pm – 3:30pm

Closing Remarks

3:30pm – 4:30pm

Networking Social & Prizes



The 2025 Showcase will be held IN-PERSON Lehman College from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

30+ Speakers

Over 30 concurrent sessions and two keynote presentations.

15+ CUNY Campuses

Attendees from 15+ CUNY campuses and other institutions.

Organizers & Sponsors

Check Who Makes This Event Possible!


2023 Sponsor

Hypothesis Logo

Previous Years Sponsors

Exemplary Online Course Award

Teaching online is not an easy task – it requires a lot of hard work and continuous improvements to your course. This award recognizes outstanding work in online course design, and intends to showcase exemplary use of best practices in course design, interaction and collaboration, assessment and learner support. We invite you to apply for the Exemplary Online Course Award!

Previous Years Presentations

DALLE generated illustration of the presentation

B-511 This session is designed to facilitate an exploration of Academic Integrity in the times of expanding use of Generative…

DALLE generated illustration of the presentation

B-508 This session will feature high school case studies, highlighting projects such as Arduino-based devices, memorial website creation, and the…

DALLE generated illustration of the presentation

B-506 This presentation will focus on the integration of artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, into business courses with a focus on…

AIs Role_by DALL-E

C-552 This presentation explores the evolving role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in personalized student learning.

d2l Brightspace

B-501 Several use cases are shared to demonstrate effective practices learned over years of using Brightspace for online and blended…

DALLE generated illustration of podcasting

B-508 We will discuss how to best use podcasts as part of course materials to support dual coding learning processing…

Diverse group of students sitting among AI entities _DALLE

C-552 Presenters will discuss the results of a cross-CUNY survey with 604 student respondents asking whether students have adequate access…

DALLE generated illustration of the presentation

B-511 Using OpenAI’s ChatGPT4, I have been developing and including customized GPTs in my coursework with students. Principally, students have…

DALLE generated illustration of a professor teaching in a AI-powered classroom

B-506 This presentation will discuss the cognitive tool approach, the creation of student-centered learning environments, demonstrate a series of prompts…

ALEKS logo

B-501 ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces) is an artificial intelligence-based learning and assessment system that we have implemented…

DALLE generated illustration of AI Confessional

B-511 The purpose of this project is to explore the meanings constructed by students and professors regarding not only their…

AIInpacts Brightspace by DALLE

B-506 This presentation seeks to discuss the potential benefits, challenges, and future of AI-enhanced features in Brightspace and how these…

DALLE generated illustration of AI in Career Services

B-501 The presentation will navigate the ethical terrain of AI in education and highlight how career advisors complement AI, providing…

DALLE generated illustration for Human vs AI Historians: Uncovering Historical Accuracy

B-508 The presentation will detail the assignment’s success in prompting students to critically analyze AI as a historical reference, assessing…

DALLE generated image of AI and a laptop

C-552 The presenters will introduce several AI-based tools and functions, including adaptive release features, accessibility tools, and a virtual assistant.

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