History of Hostos in New York




This file contains texts that were written by Eugenio María de Hostos during the four times he visited or lived in New York City (1869-70, 1874, 1876 and 1898-99) that are available in current publications. The Spanish language texts can be found in the following sources:

  1. Eugenio María de Hostos, América: La lucha por la libertad, edición preparada por Manuel Maldonado-Dennis, México, Siglo XXI, 1980. [abbreviated ALL].
  2. Eugenio María de Hostos, Puerto Rico “Madre Isla.” Obras completas. Vol. V, Tomo II (Primera Parte)  San Juan, Instituto de Estudios Hostosianos-Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2001 [abbreviated PRMI, 1].
  3. Eugenio María de Hostos, PuertoRico “Madre Isla.” Obras completas. Vol. V, Tomo II (Segunda Parte) San Juan, Instituto de Estudios Hostosianos-Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2001 [abbreviated PRMI, 2].

The translation into English of most of these texts appears in the Maldonado-Denis anthology:

Eugenio María de Hostos, America: The Struggle for Freedom (Anthology), edited by Manuel Maldonado-Denis San Juan, Puerto Rico: Office of Cultural Development of the City of San Juan, City University of New York, Institute of Hostosian Studies-University of Puerto Rico, 1992  [abbreviated ASF].

The interviews with Hostos appeared in American newspapers, in English, and were translated into Spanish for the 1939 edition of Obras completas.  They are quoted from the new critical edition:

Eugenio María de Hostos,  Puerto Rico “Madre Isla”. Obras completas. Vol. V, Tomo (Segunda Parte).


I.       Entries from his Diary  (Note that the dates are cited verbatim, and there are inconsistencies in the original format. )

  1. “Domingo 9 de enero de 1870, 4 de la tarde”  ALL 103-06.

“Sunday, January 9, 1870, 4 in the afternoon”  ASF 115-18. (Translated to English)

  1. “Lunes 10 de enero del 70, mañana”  ALL 106-07.

“Monday, January 10, 1870, morning”  ASF 119-120.(Translated to English)

  1. “Sábado 26 de marzo 70, noche” ALL 107.

“Saturday, March 26, 1870, evening” ASF 120.(Translated to English)

  1. “Lunes 28 de marzo, 70, noche”  ALL 107-09.

“Monday, March 28, 1870, evening” ASF 121-22.(Translated to English)

  1. “Nueva York, miércoles 12 de enero 1870, mañana”  ALL 109-13.

“New York, Wednesday, January 12, 1870, morning”  ASF 122-28.(Translated to English)

  1. “Nueva York, junio 19” ALL 113.

“New York, June 19”  ASF 128.(Translated to English)

  1. “Nueva York, 19 de junio de 1874” ALL 114-19.

“New York, June 19, 1874”  ASF 129-36.(Translated to English)

  1. “Nueva York, junio 20 de 1874”  ALL 120-22.

“New York, June 20, 1874”  ASF 136-38.(Translated to English)

  1. “Nueva York, 11 de Julio de 1874”  ALL 122-24.

“New York, July 11, 1874”  ASF 138-41.(Translated to English)

  1. “Nueva York, julio 13 de 1874”  ALL 124.

“New York, July 13, 1874”  ASF 141.(Translated to English)


II.          Letters



  1. “Señor director del Diario Cubano”  ALL 201-02.

“Mr. Editor of the Diario Cubano”  ASF  231-32.

  1. “Señor Emeterio Betances, Nueva York, 8 de junio de 1874”  ALL 203-05.

“Mr. Emeterio Betances, New York, June 8, 1874” ASF 233-36.

  1. “Sr. Francisco de Arredondo y Miranda, Washington, D.C., julio 27 de 1898”  ALL 208.

“Mr. Francisco de Arredondo y Miranda, Washington D.C., July 27, 1898”  ASF  239.

III.               Speeches


  1. El 10 de Octubre, en Irving Hall, Nueva York, circa 10 de octubre de 1874  ALL 125-28.

The 10th of October, at Irving Hall, New York City, circa October 10, 1874  ASF 142-46.

  1. La Liga de Patriotas, Nueva York, 10 de septiembre de 1898 [appears under the title “A los puertorriqueños”]  ALL 239-40.

The League of Patriots, New York, September 10, 1898 [appears under the title  “To All Puerto Ricans”]

ASF  275-76.

  1. Los primeros pasos, New York, Discurso leído en la Asamblea de la Sección Puerto Rico del Partido Revolucionario Cubano en Chimney Corner Hall, Nueva York, el 2 de agosto de 1898  PRMI, 1, 237-41 [NO ENGLISH TRANSLATION.]


IV.          Articles




V.           Interviews with the American press:



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