High Impact

High Impact Practices, also know as HIPs, are effective educational practices that improve student retention and rates of graduation. HIPs are have many different forms including, but not limited to, writing intensive courses, common intellectual experiences, service learning, and capstone learning. In Academic Affairs, our extended view of HIPs include the areas of assessment and advisement. The sub-menus can be accessed by hovering over the High Impact Practices menu option.  

May 2020

ASAP’s Probationary Team Helps Keep Students Successful
Sabrina Ally, Jomayra Pena, and Patience Yeboah


April 2020 – #COVID19 CRISIS

Hostos Academic Learning Center Services Online

Writing Center Services Online

March 2020

Majors and Careers Fair
March 11, 2020
Silvia Reyes



October 2019

Title V SRA Named 2019 Kaplan Scholar

Succeed@Hostos Faculty Focus Groups


December 2017

Teaching First Year Seminar at Hostos
Elisabeth Tappeiner, Associate Professor, Library
Christine Hutchins, Assistant Professor, English
Andrew Connolloy, Assistant Professor, English


Information Literacy Enrichment Program
Elisabeth Tappeiner, Associate Professor
Library Department


November 2017

SI Leaders Prepare Academic Support Workshops for their Peers
Amalia Rojas Enriquez, Coordinator
Title V

September 2017

Free Information Literacy Workshops for Students
Sarah Brennan
Executive Associate to Provost and Vice President

May 2017

Undergraduate Research Projects in Vector Analysis: First-place Awarded to CSTEP Students
Alexander Vaninsky, Professor
Mathematics Department
HIP: Undergraduate Research

February 2017

Supplemental Instruction Expands to Support More Students
Silvia Reyes, HEO Associate
Director, Title V
HIP: Experiential/Service-Learning

December 2016

Diversity Education Resources on SharePoint
Sarah Brennan, HEO Associate, Office of Academic Affairs
Executive Associate to Provost and Title V Faculty Development
HIP: Diversity/Global Learning

November 2016

Peer Observations: Peer Leaders Helping Peer Leaders!
Amalia Rojas-Enriquez, Title V Coordinator
Silvia Reyes, HEO Associate, Title V Director
Contributors Noel Sabo & Marguerite Saint-Preux, both Peer Leaders
HIP: Collaborative Assignments and Projects

Experiential Learning in English 110 Impacts Student Learning
Elyse Zucker, Associate Professor, English Department
Rosa Jimenez, English 110SL Student
HIP: Service Learning, Community-based Learning

October 2016

Succeed at Hostos Progress Surveys are Requested
Felix Cardona, Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs
HIP: Collaborative Project

Proyecto Access Dashes into Semester Activities
Moise Koffi, Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department
Director,  STEP/CSTEP and Proyecto Access
HIP: Undergraduate Research

May 2016

Northeast Regional Honors Council Conference 2016
by Karina Castro, HEO Assistant, Honors Program and Workshops Coordinator
HIP: Undergraduate Research & Common Intellectual Experience

February 2016

HERO Students Share Research Findings
by Claire Sternberg, HEO Assistant,
Liaison between HERO High School and College Now
HIP: Undergraduate Research & Collaborative Assignments and Projects

September 2015

STEP Program
Includes Summer Proyecto Access Updates
Diandra Jugmohan, co-Director STEP/CSTEP and Proyecto Access
HIP: Undergraduate Research

May 2015

Student Damany Smith Success Story
Alisa Thomas, Coordinator for At-home in College
HIP: Collaborative Projects 

April 2015

C-STEP Program
Diandra Jugmohan, co-Director STEP/CSTEP and Proyecto Access
HIP: Undergraduate Research

Honors Program visits Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard
Karina Castro, HEO Assistant, Coordinator for Honors Program and Immersion Workshops
HIP: Common Intellectual Experience

HERO Students Visit Hostos and Gain Insight into Health Care Occupations
Claire Sternberg, HEO Assistant,
Liaison between HERO High School and College Now
HIP: Collaborative Assignments and Projects

March 2015

HERO Students Share Research on Chronic Medical Conditions
Claire Sternberg, HEO Assistant, Office of Academic Affairs
Liaison between HERO High School and College Now
HIP: Undergraduate Research and Collaborative Assignments and Projects

Faculty-Student Research
Silvia Reyes, HEO Associate, Office of Academic Affairs
Director, Title V Grant – Hostos Adelante!
Hostos HIP: Achievement-oriented Engagement

Title V in Action
Silvia Reyes, HEO Associate, Office of Academic Affairs
Director, Title V Grant – Hostos Adelante!
Hostos HIP: Achievement-oriented Engagement


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