A Relationship Archaeologist Tackles Silent Agreements

Howard Jordan, Assistant Professor
& Chair of Behavioral and Social Sciences


Linda Anderson one of our gifted professors and former Chair of the Behavioral & Social Sciences was elated to discover that Publisher Rodale Books’ Allison  Janice took world rights to her upcoming  new book expected to send shock waves through  the behavioral sciences field.  The inspirational clinical psychologist along with colleagues, Sonia Banks, and Michelle Owens-Patterson’s are in the process of finishing, Silent Agreements: How Unspoken Expectations Ruin Our Relationships. The authors were represented by Regina Brooks at Serendipity Literary Agency. Brooks said that her clients call themselves “relationship archaeologists” and that their book “explores the unexpressed assumptions that influence and very often damage our relationships.” Mucho congrats hermana!


Read more about Professor Anderson’s most recent achievement for the recent release, “Hostos Psychology Professor Uncovers our Silent Agreements in an Upcoming Self Help Book on Relationships.”
Additionally, here is a link to the Publisher’s Weekly announcement.

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