Majors and Career Fair

This piece was added to the website after the February 3 dissemination of the February edition of the Academic Scoop and was included in the March edition in the ICYMI section.

Silvia Reyes
Director, Special Projects and Student Engagement

The recently formed Orientation Committee is working on crafting a few activities to set off students on their journey through their first year at Hostos.  As part of the First Year Experience, the Committee is hosting a “Majors Fair” event to take place on March 11 from 12pm to 2pm, and would like to invite you to be part of this event.

The goal of this event is twofold:

  1. to provide students with a one-stop shop where they can gather information on the academic programs we offer so that they are able to learn and explore options that are available to them;
  2. to provide students with an opportunity to meet with faculty, advisors, and peers to discuss the majors and career opportunities connected to each major.

To this end, we will have tables representing each major, while highlighting the following selected degree programs: Liberals Arts (A.A), Liberal Arts (A.S) and Allied Health majors through a conference-style program. Students will be able to attend 20-minute concurrent sessions about these programs while also moving around the venue making connections with faculty, advisors and peers.

If you would like to participate, please contact Silvia Reyes, Director of Special Projects and Student Engagement, at​


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