Help Students Who Missed Classes or Assignments

Teaching faculty can access the Succeed@Hostos online platform at any time during the semester to raise alerts and communicate academic concerns about students. The Student Progress Surveys will be open on Monday, February 3 for faculty to enter their observations about students who are not attending class or have not submitted assignments. The alerts will be shared with the academic advisor who will do her/his best to intervene.

Succeed@Hostos is designed to improve communication between faculty, staff, and students to help students become more aware of their choices and behaviors that are consistent with attrition. By communicating with students that you have noticed when they are not in class, they have not turned in assignments or they have missed quizzes or exams, you are demonstrating that you care about their success. You may be the only one who is sharing the message of your concern with them. By making observations in Succeed@Hostos, your messages will be shared with their advisors and other appropriate college personnel in their student success network who can follow up and continue to demonstrate that there is a community of support available to each and every one of our students. Faculty and staff are all part of the need-to-know community that is necessary to ensure that students are successful. Sharing observations in Succeed is critical to their success!

It takes a village of professionals to keep our students on track and help them follow their academic plans through to completion. We need you to do your part. Thank you for all that you do for our students to support their academic success.


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