Original Release by email Friday, August 16, 2019 12:55 PM
Christine Mangino, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
COACHE Survey Results
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you again for responding to the COACHE survey. We had a 64% response rate. The link below takes you to most of the results. You need log in using your Hostos username and password and you need to use Google Chrome to get the best access. There is a great deal of information including directions on how to read the results. The only items we removed were individual comments to protect individual’s privacy. Even though they are anonymous comments sometimes a person can be identified based on the amount of detail included in their response. I will provide a global overview of the information, but do take time to go through the information. Under the frequencies tab you can see the actual questions.
When you compare these results to those from the last COACHE survey, we have improved in 19 categories, remained the same in 4 and went down in 1 (collaboration). We ranked highest among our peer institutions for all things related to governance and for senior leadership. We are the lowest among our peers for personal and family policies, promotion to full professor and department collegiality and engagement. These results compare us to peer community colleges outside of CUNY who have used the COACHE survey. There aren’t many- so they include 4 SUNY schools and Amarillo College in Texas. We will receive another document comparing us to our CUNY community colleges as soon as CUNY receives that from COACHE.
Items that were identified as the best aspects of working at Hostos include the quality of our colleagues, the quality of our undergraduate students, diversity, academic freedom, support of colleagues, and the sense of “fit” here. Items that were identified as the worst aspects of working at Hostos include the quality of our facilities, compensation, commute and too much service/too many assignments. Overall, there are numerous specific areas where white faculty, female faculty and/or associate faculty rated items much lower than the majority. I had invited a small group of faculty who joined me at a meeting with COACHE to discuss our results. This group will meet with me again in early September so we can figure out what our next steps should be in addressing concerns, learning more about the areas we can improve, and celebrating our achievements. The faculty are Linda Hirsch, Cynthia Jones, Ernest Ialongo, Kris Burrell, Madeline Ford and Carlos Guevara as the Co-director for CTL. Linda and Madeline were part of the committee who reviewed the results from 3 years ago and made recommendations, Cynthia in her role as co-director for CTL, Ernest as chair of the Senate, and Kris representing untenured faculty.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I will be sharing this email again once the semester starts, but I wanted to get the results out as quickly as possible and thank you again for completing the survey and the thoughtfulness in your responses.