STEP/CSTEP Codirectors

Co-director: Moise Koffi

Moise Koffi is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics and the Director of STEP and CSTEP at Hostos Community College. His research activities include aerodynamics, transport phenomena in fluid mechanics and heat transfer with a focus on oscillating induced flows with applications in micro-electronics cooling and biological systems, such as metabolism of large animals. He has published articles in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, and the Journal of Heat Transfer, which are ranked among the top engineering journals in his field. He has presented his work in national and international conferences on fluid dynamics and aerodynamics. Dr. Koffi is the recipient of multiple large grant awards from the New York State Education Department (NYSED), as well as the CUNY Research grant (CCRG). Dr. Koffi has contributed significantly in the advancement of undergraduate and high school student STEM research at Hostos Community College with the collaboration of faculty and staff, leading to over 14 student research awards at statewide STEM conferences. Recently, Professor was recognized with a statewide distinguished service award by The Association for Program Administrators for CSTEP and STEP (APACS), Inc. for outstanding service and support to students in the sciences.

 Co-director: Diandra Jugmohan

Diandra Jugmohan is the Co-director of Proyecto Access STEP and CSTEP programs at Hostos Community College. She completed her BA in Business Management at the Baruch Zicklin School of Business and is currently completing her MA in Urban Education at Lehman College. Mrs. Jugmohan is an active member of the statewide STEP student conference planning committee as well as the Bronx-Manhattan region committee, collaborating with over 100 secondary schools and local community based organizations. She is very engaged in the service of secondary school students and Hostos undergraduates in collaboration with faculty in STEM research. Diandra plays an active role in the organization of important events such as Math Day, Science Day and Earth Day. In 2017, Mrs. Jugmohan received the President’s Award for her outstanding leadership, extraordinary dedication, and service to APACS (the Association for Program Administrators of CSTEP & STEP).


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