Operational Planning Open Forums

First Year Experience (FYE) – Getting Students Vested and Gaining Momentum

This year’s Open Forums and Operational Planning process will be slightly different. Our focus for next year’s operational plan will be creating a comprehensive intentional first-year experience for every student. Our goal is for every student to have a common experience that feels individualized to them. The attached PP provides national history and context regarding first-year experience programs and outlines the college’s past efforts to better support first-year students.  The PP also highlights why implementing a FYE program at Hostos next year is essential and timely. This PP will not be shared during the open forums, rather it is shared here to provide information so you are more prepared for the discussion. The second attachment will be shared at the open forum to gather everyone’s feedback. I have attached it here so you can think about your responses. Your contributions are critical as we work to develop a first year experience program for Hostos students.  We would like to hear from everyone to help inform our planning and to create a worthwhile experience for our students. Please join us for one of the forums:

  • Monday, May 6, 2019 – 3:30 to 5:30 PM, Savoy Multipurpose Room
  • Tuesday, May 14 – 3:30 to 5:30 PM, Hostos’ Café

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