CUNY Scholarship and Creative Activity Report

Greetings, Assistant, Associate and Full Professors,

Every year CUNY Central collects information about the scholarship and creative activity of all assistant, associate, and full professors. Lecturers, instructors, adjuncts are invited to share their work as well.

As you likely remember each of you with the title of assistant, associate, or full professor are required to share your activities even if you have “No Work to Report”. All activities and publications must have occurred between January – December 2018. Publications must have been released. All entries must be made using bibliography reference format for any of the professional publication styles (I.e., APA, MLA).

The data entry process is simple. The deadline for entry is May 17, 2019. If you need any support for finding the tool or entering information, please contact me and I will walk you through it. The instructions are detailed below.

To access the web application and report faculty scholarship:

  1. Log into your CUNY Portal account (make sure you are using a Portal account designating you as faculty or staff).
  2. On the Welcome page, you will see a link in the box labeled Applications/Resources.
  3. Click on the icon next to Full-time Faculty Scholarship and Creative Activity Collection to reach the application. Instructions are available at the top of the form
  4. Select your college and then the department to which you are
  5. Find your name in the faculty drop-down A faculty member whose name is not listed can type in his/her name in the available space.
  6. Choose the best fitting category for your scholarship/creative activity entry. Appropriate categorization is important for reporting
  7. Full citations are required for this collection. The format of the citation should follow the standard for the faculty member’s discipline. Each citation must include the year first published, produced, or performed (only 2018 entries should be included). Separate entries are required for each piece of scholarship/creative

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