Faculty Scholarship and Creative Activity Collection

2016 Faculty Scholarship and Creative Activity Collection Detailed Instructions for Using the Web Application

The faculty scholarship web application is intended to facilitate reporting certain types of work first published, produced, or performed in calendar year 2016 by full-time professorial faculty at each CUNY college. The web application is currently available and faculty may begin entering data. The application is the same as in prior years with the list of faculty updated to reflect those active in 2016.

The following types of work may be reported:

Book, Authored (including fictional works) Music Composition Published/Performed
Book, Edited Play or Screenplay Produced/Performed
Book Chapter Poem or Short Story Published
Book Introduction, Preface etc. Curated an Art Show
Conference Presentation published as Exhibited in a Curated Art Show


Conference Presentation, other

Direction/Choreography/Dramaturgy/Design (dance, theater, film)
Journal Article, peer-reviewed Performance (music, dance, theater)
Journal Article, other Review/Commentary (including blogging)
Newspaper/Magazine Article Published Patent
Lecture (Invited) Technical/Policy Reports, peer-reviewed
Technical/Policy Reports, other


Full-time professorial faculty who were active in both the spring and fall of calendar year 2016 are designated as “mandatory” and are required to report, even if it is just to indicate “No Work to Report.” Full-time professorial faculty who were active one semester, but not both, and other kinds of full- time faculty are not required to report, but may report their scholarship. If you do not find your name (or the name of the faculty member on whose behalf you are reporting) in the drop-down list and wish to add scholarship, add your name manually in the appropriate box. Any names added manually are, by definition, considered “optional” reporters. Please note that the mandatory/optional designations are based on data available from the CUNYfirst system at the time the list was generated in early 2017.


To access the web application and report faculty scholarship:

  1. Log into your CUNY Portal account (make sure you are using a Portal account designating you as faculty or staff).
  2. On the Welcome page, you will see a link in the box labeled Applications/Resources.
  3. Click on the icon next to Full-time Faculty Scholarship and Creative Activity Collection to reach the Instructions are available at the top of the form page.
  4. Select your college and then the department to which you are
  5. Find your name in the faculty drop-down A faculty member whose name is not listed can type in his/her name in the available space.
  6. Choose the best fitting category for your scholarship/creative activity entry. Appropriate categorization is important for reporting
  7. Full citations are required for this collection. The format of the citation should follow the standard for the faculty member’s discipline. Each citation must include the year first published, produced, or performed (only 2016 entries should be included). Separate entries are required for each piece of scholarship/creative



  • Faculty may report on a broad set of scholarship/activity. The instructions on the web application also indicate what types of activity should not be
  • There are three types of reports available from the web application:
    • View Entries report (listing of entries submitted to date)
    • Faculty Not Yet Reporting report (to help Department Chairs and Provosts follow up with mandatory faculty and encourage reporting)
    • Summary report (provides counts of entries, including the number of faculty reporting)


  • Faculty may designate anyone with a Faculty/Staff CUNY Portal account to report on their

For example, at some colleges, support staff for a given department may be charged with entering scholarship/creative activity for the faculty members of that department (usually working from faculty CVs). Please make sure that all faculty and staff who will be entering the information into the web application have a copy of these instructions.


Note: Some colleges have elected to use an Excel collection template instead of the web-based collection tool. Please contact your Provost’s office if you have any questions about which tool to use.


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