by Sarah Brennan, HEO Associate, Office of Academic Affairs
Executive Associate to Provost and Title V Faculty Development
Congratulations to the newest faculty fellows invited to participate in CUNY’s Faculty Fellows Publication Program (FFPP). Three assistant professors from Hostos: Kristopher Burrell and Eugena Griffin from Behavioral and Social Sciences, and Jorge Matos from the Library were awarded with this prestigious opportunity. We are enthusiastic about their participation in the program and look forward to learning more about their research and their scholarly journey through the process in the coming year. We invite you to share with them a note a congratulations as you see them in the hallways across campus.
The Faculty Fellows Publication Program:
“supports full-time untenured faculty in the design and execution of writing projects essential to progress toward tenure. Discipline-based writing groups of peers from across the University, facilitated by senior faculty members, provide fellows with feedback on their work, which may include scholarly articles for juried journals, books for academic presses, or, in some instances, creative writing”(
The Office of Academic Affairs is proud of its diverse and accomplished community of educators and will continue to support the many ambitious goals and dreams of our faculty and staff.