Title V Initiative

Title V Student Research Intensive Summer Institute
by Silvia Reyes, HEO Associate
Director, Title V
Title V is pleased to support an intensive one-week introduction to research methods and tools for continuing Hostos students. This intensive institute will engage students in scholarly work at the undergraduate level through seminars and tutorial-style sessions.
Selected students will work under the guidance of a faculty mentor on a project of their own choosing.  Student participants will develop individual, original research ideas, create a scholarly research paper or project and formally present their work to their peers at the end of the program.
The goal of the Summer Institute is to increase the numbers of students to engage in research. The program begins Wednesday, June 1 and ends Thursday, June 9. Students will spend five hour days – 10am to 3pm – with each other engaged in reading, writing, and critically thinking. Each student participant will receive $500.
More information is available in the Title V office located in the B building, room 462. Questions can be emailed to TitleV@hostos.cuny.edu.

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