A Student-Author’s Reflection

My Journey through Hostos

By Alma Cayasso, Liberal Arts Major
First-place essay contest winner: Electives
Two days before the Women’s History Month Essay Contest I had the delightful pleasure of bumping into Professor Jerilyn Fisher on my way to class. We quickly said our hellos and asked one another how we had been when she casually mentioned that the Woman’s History Month essay contest was taking place in just a couple of days. Surprised, I asked where exactly it would be held and at what time. Professor Fisher said, “Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from 3:30-5:30 in room 508.” I smiled and told Professor Fisher that even though I’ve just found about the event I would do my best to go. She wished me good luck and we parted ways.
Two days later after a shift at Continuing Education, I walked into the classroom on the fifth floor where Professor Fabriziowas proctoring. As I walked in and said hello she smiled and welcomed me. Then she asked me what my English level was. I told her that I’m part of the elective level. She passed me the contact list and asked me to add my name, email, and the name of the professor who referred me.  Afterwards, I took a seat in the front row and Professor Fabrizio told me that the cart to my left was filled with laptops and I could help myself. I smiled and told her thank you but I brought my own laptop for the occasion.
Throughout those two hours I experienced what I always do when writing, as soon as I got the general idea in my head I just dove deep and kept on going. Free writing is my tried and true method of writing.  When free writing there isn’t much planning that goes into it aside from getting that general idea. I don’t make an outline and because of this I don’t waste any time planning just writing. I write until the well runs dry. When I do decide to take a break I use that time to look over what I have written and check what I missed and add it. The quotes to pick from this year were all powerful but the one that called to me was the one by Anais Nin.  I picked it because it spoke to me about issues regarding masculinity and boys and men in our society. I believe all that is expected out of both genders is unrealistic and that the social construction of gender does more harm than good. The quote also expressed a very progressive point of view, surprising for a woman to have back then. It’s insightful and still a reality years later.  Nin was a woman way ahead of her time.  I felt empowered writing about her idea during those two hours. This brings me back to what Hostos has also given me besides the opportunity to showcase my writing. READ MORE.

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