On Friday March 20, 2015 freshman from Health Education Research Occupations High School (HERO High) came to listen to a presentation given by Professor Eunice Flemister, a full-time lecturer and coordinator of the Aging Studies/Gerontology unit at Hostos Community College. HERO High School is an Early College, grades 9-14. high school based in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx, and is one of two such local high schools that have partnered with Hostos to offer students college credit courses and career and college-readiness preparation. The partnership between HERO and Hostos presents many opportunities for HERO students to get guidance and instruction from faculty and staff at the college.
Professor Eunice Flemister. Professor Flemister has an M.P.H from Hunter College, as well as an undergraduate degree from the City College of New York. As the former Director of Therapeutic Recreation of Amsterdam Nursing Home, Professor Flemister has 25 years of community and academic experience in the delivery of care to seniors. Professor Flemister used her time with HERO students to brainstorm some of the many careers available to those that go into the field of healthcare. Students participated in a discussion of the educational requirements for different professions, as well as the salary ranges associated with different careers.
Professor Flemister then facilitated an engaging conversation about ageism and elderly care in the United States. By sharing her own experiences in emergency rooms and other longer-term care facilities, Professor Flemister was able to give students insight into the day-to-day experience of working in the healthcare field.
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