AHC: A Story of Student Success

By: Alisa Thomas, Coordinator

The At Home in College Program (AHC) is designed to enhance academic, social and professional skills. We have over 300 members attending Hostos Community College. Through a generous grant from the Robin Hood Foundation, we have provided 55 on-campus paid-Internships to our students.

Damany Smith, 21, attended Brooklyn Community High School of Communication, Arts and Media (BCAM) before enrolling at Hostos Community College in the fall of 2012. She is currently a Liberal Arts major with a concentration in health and education. Her educational and career paths have been focused on pursuing medicine, specifically obstetrics and gynecology.

When Damany entered Hostos, she was very excited about the prospect of earning a starting position on the college’s NJCAA Women’s Basketball team. Unfortunately, she injured herself early on during her first season and stopped playing. Through all of this, Damany maintained her GPA above the Hostos requirement and although her love for basketball waned, her priorities became more focused on a future career.  As the eldest of seven siblings ranging from five to sixteen years of age, she carries many responsibilities for the care and well-being of her family, but Damany manages to juggle these demands successfully while immersing herself fully in college life. Damany frequents the AHC office to check-in and share her successes and frustrations with the program coordinator and always has encouraging and motivating words for her peers. She participated in the At-Home-in-College CUNY Works Internship for two semesters working alongside the college’s Athletic Director as well as supporting the AHC office in the role of data manager. Damany has participated on the AHC Bridge to College planning committee where she contributed ideas for supporting highschool seniors through the college application and transition process. She was selected to be an AHC Bridge to College Coach this summer!  As her June 2015 graduation date approaches, she is gearing up to transfer to The City College of New York where she will pursue her bachelor’s degree in biology.

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