STEM Undergraduate

The STEM Undergraduate Research Initiative is a program sponsored by the mayor’s office with the objective to support Hostos Community College students majoring in the Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. The program’s mission is to promote students’ involvement in STEM research at the community college before graduating with their Associate’s degree and moving on to a senior college, or joining the work force.
Students are recruited and are matched with faculty mentors at Hostos Community College based on their areas of study or interests. Participating scholars experience working as part of a research team, and/or as individual in laboratory environments, or on fieldwork depending on the scope of the research topics they are assigned to. The STEM Undergraduate Research Initiative scholars conduct research under the supervision of Hostos faculty and receive stipend support during their participation. The research hours are very flexible and are planned to suit student’s class schedules.
Students must commit an academic year to the research program, and present their work throughout poster presentations in the subsequent summer at a conference. During the fall and spring semesters, students participate in series of workshops designed to improve research presentation skills such as public speaking, writing a research paper, creating research posters, and present them competently. In addition, the participation in conferences in summer allows students to network with other students and faculty mentors with similar or different backgrounds. In some cases, students meet their future senior college professors at the summer conferences.
Adjiwanou Gbagba
Program coordinator

For more information about the STEM Undergraduate Research Initiative, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
Telephone: 718 518 6859
Fax: 718 518 6829

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